Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Avatars of Nature Pt. 2

The Penetentary was guarded and locked down like an inverted fortress. The reinforced steel cage concrete walls created such a maze of passages that the entire pyramid of the building seemed inspired from an overcomplex lobster trap. The guards were a division of the national guard, specially trained to take down super humans. The path from the entrance to the visitation rooms was so long and twisted, most lawyers never went through the ordeal to great frustration to their clients. As such, it was so rare that any villain went into their side of it that the guard duty was stepped up a notch under the circumstances.

It had been a year since the trial, and six months prior to that was the fight that caused Ollie to suffer a fiery meltdown.  Jack still recalled his twin brother calling him a sellout.  He remembered Oliver claiming it was really because Jack had become dangerous and power-hungry.  Jack knew the real reason: he was envious. It was envy of his brother's success, always getting things easy, getting the attention when they were younger.  None of this held any clout to what unleashed Jack's rage.  He remembered the conversation clearly.  It was Oliver's last comment, "You'll just have to wait."

Jackson sat alone handcuffed at a plain square table. Behind him there were various heat lamps trained on his position. The restraining collar he wore around his neck was similar to the technology used in the war-walls, but localised and modified to negate the use of any power. A slender man in a grey pinstripe suit entered holding a manilla folder and a briefcase. The man tried to sound cheerful, "Hi Jack." 

"What do you want this time?" the prisoner asked with annoyance dripping from his lips like a salivating bulldog. 

"Your brother has pushed to get you another parol hearing. It's in two days." The attourney quipped. 

"I won't appear." 

"But, this is a parol hearing. You must attend." 

"I'm not going to beg and plea with a bunch of judgemental pissed off crooked idiots to let me roam the streets again. I trusted the system once, and I got thrown in here as a criminal. You people wanted me as a bad guy, you got it." Jackson shot down. Even with the power suppression his eyes were ice cold and dark, glaring down the man in the pinstripe suit. 

The lawyer sighed in disappointment as he stood, motioning to the guard he was finished. "Anything you'd like me to tell your brother?" 

"Yeah. Tell him I'm still waiting."

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